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Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy graphic

Bowen is a gentle soft tissue therapy that has shown to be effective for all ages from the newborn to one hundred years old plus. It enables changes to happen to the brain and body. I also offer sports Bowen for those with sports related injuries and mechanical problems.


Bowen doesn’t force the body to change. It's a holistic therapy that prompts the body to make its own changes and can be applied through light clothing laying or sitting on a couch. Many find it deeply relaxing


Clients have seen their recovery rate for injuries or post operations eased sooner, and it’s eased acute discomfort and pain for many. Some clients have delayed their operations because their discomfort has improved significantly.

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What Annette says about Bowen Therapy

For each Bowen treatment you remain fully clothed, often your whole body is treated and not just the center of pain. Soft tissue, the lymphatic system and nerves are all worked on during your treatment.


I work on various areas and will, at certain times, not touch or treat you for a minute or so to give your body time to absorb each part of the treatment. Some clients say they can feel things changing during this time.


Bowen helps my clients to feel calm, relaxed, safe and centered due to its gentle touch, giving you and your mind time to rest and repair.


Although it's not fully understood how or why this treatment works so well, studies show that it triggers communication between the body and brain, realigning the soft tissue, clearing the lymphatic system and soothing the nervous system.


During the consultation - an important aspect of the treatment - I listen to the client’s description of aches and pains and how their movement is restricted. Where necessary I do an assessment looking at the client’s posture and how they move. This gives me great insight on which part of the body to work on for most beneficial results.

Having Bowen regularly pre or post operations like hip or knee replacement, can often eases tension within the soft tissue, allowing you to move more freely, as you do it strengthens your soft tissue hence recovery can be more comfortable for many. Everyone is different and may experience different results

Bowen Therapy

Exercise and Rehabilitation

Alongside Bowen Therapy I can prescribe you stretches and strengthening exercises to help speed up your recovery and allow you to become more active in between your treatments. The exercises will also help to prevent injuries or bad habits from reoccurring.


I am now a group exercise instructor, for gentle, scientifically proven exercises to be effective for those over 60, or for certain medical conditions, musculoskeletal issues, arthritis etc. Therefore I may give you exercises or a small mini routine to help keep you comfortable and or mobile. 


I will also run classes, see my exercise page, or contact me for more information.

Bowen Therapy can help with:

Stenosis: A case study

I am very grateful to this lovely client who has given me full permission to use these photos and share his progress. He has Stenosis.

The picture to the left was taken during the first appointment. The one to the right was taken during the eighth appointment, less than one year apart.

In the first photo you can see that my client was very unstable when standing, in fact I had to take the photo quickly because he was so uncomfortable. In the second photo he stood comfortably for as long as required.

When this gentleman first came to see me, he needed a walking stick and was quite unsure of his step. I was thrilled to learn at consultation number eight that he had happily climbed one hundred and fifty-five steps of a lighthouse and walked on the very pebbly Chesil Beach.  It’s incredible how much stronger he looks. Of course, everyone is different and everyone may experience different results, but this client is a true success story and it is thrilling for me to share this, as his therapist.



"After suffering with a bad back my mum recommended Annette to me, and I was so please I got in touch, I had two Bowen therapy treatments with her and my aching and sore back is now is completely back to normal; even days after the first treatment I felt a difference.

 Annette is extremely welcoming and knowledgeable and makes you feel very relaxed the moment you arrive. I could not recommend this treatment enough"


"Thank you for everything Annette."

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